Everyone likes personal products from specifically flavored coffees to preferred condiments on sandwiches. We as consumers have learned to prefer custom made. Our children can enjoy stuffed animals made to their individual preferences or dolls customized to resemble themselves.
Satt Cat Bags was a concept created in the Fall of 2010 with that personalization in mind to provide custom, detailed fabric bags. No shelves stocked with ready-made items, but rather custom-made to order. In the Fall of 2011, that concept was launched and became a reality with the first bags ordered and made. Business continues to grow with well over 50 different designs in the design book. Newsletters were started in the Fall of 2014, and Satt Cat Blog was added in 2017 to keep clients current on what was new or happening with Satt Cat Bags.
Through the years, fabric items that are “not a bag” have been added as client requests. Just like creating a gift bag with a custom fabric and detail, all of these designs follow the Satt Cat Bag personalization criteria. As these designs are created, Satt Cat Bags focuses on the client needs to create just that personal touch and detail.
Satt Cat Bags has added that finishing touch and customization to wine parties, birthdays, going away gifts, dinner parties, reunions, sporting events, car cruises, corporation give-a-ways, teacher gifts, graduations, baby showers and wedding gifts simply with fabric bags personalized for the event, party or person.
Leanne Satterthwaite, equipped with a design background, years of party planning, a lifetime of sewing and an eye for detail has combined it all together in this adventure. Leanne lives in the Midwest with her family and two cats at their home, affectionately referred to The Satt Cat Inn.